Our Story

Hey there and welcome to Colonel’s Daughter Farms!

After months of being cooped up during the great covid quarantine of 2020, we finally got out of the house to the local U-Pick farm. Our goal was just a few fall decorations, but we happened upon their flower picking section. While walking their rows, I mentioned to Jeremy that I thought it would be the coolest thing to do this everyday, like as a job. Fast forward a few years, and a ton of learning, here we are growing flowers on a farm we started in our front yard.

Colonel’s Daughter Farms is a dedication to my father who was a Colonel in the US Marine Corps. After a hard war against soft tissue sarcoma, he passed away in 2018. We are doing our best to honor his memory and continue on his legacy of integrity and dedication.

We’re proud to be supporting members of the local flower movement. Check out our shop for current selections and follow our journey on our social medias and online journal. We can’t wait to fill your life with blooms.

Peace, Love, & Flowers,

Lauren, The Colonel’s Daughter